Parents lying to get their kids to join Facebook?

A new study, collaborated on by boyd and Palfrey, talks about adults that lie in order to sign their own children up for Facebook. Many studies are also finding that younger children are more and more likely to join Facebook both in America and in Europe. Do you think that the age restriction should beContinue reading “Parents lying to get their kids to join Facebook?”

The word “bullying”

What do you think? Think we should use the word bullying? John Fugelsang argues (in this video): “Bullying is a flaccid, outdated, archaic, Archie’s comic term. It’s quaint. It’s useless. It’s toothless. […] It doesn’t do any justice to the kind of brutalizing that would drive a kid to kill him or herself. […] TheContinue reading “The word “bullying””

Steve Jobs will be missed.

I noted, earlier today, how sad I was that Steve wasn’t there to present the iPhone 4S and someone else said, “well, he’ll be there to present the iPhone 5.” Tragically, a couple of hours later, I saw the announcement on the Apple website that Steve Jobs had passed on. Quite a legendary individual, ifContinue reading “Steve Jobs will be missed.”