Got Timeline? Here are 10 tips on how to keep things to your taste.

Yeah. You need to deal. If you “learn more” about Timeline, you will have a 7-day limit before your Timeline goes live. It’s a ticking time bomb.  So whether you have one or not right now, you will definitely have one a week after your curiosity kills you. It’s just a matter of hours beforeContinue reading “Got Timeline? Here are 10 tips on how to keep things to your taste.”

Quebec mourns Marjorie Raymond’s suicide.

Fifteen-year-old Marjorie Raymond committed suicide in the Gaspésie region on November 28th, hardly two weeks ago. Apparently Marjorie was being bullied both at school and online; and her tormenters had been expelled from school just a few days prior to Marjorie’s suicide. The tragic event sent shockwaves through the province of Quebec, where many YouTubeContinue reading “Quebec mourns Marjorie Raymond’s suicide.”

Windsor participates in Anti-Bullying Week 2011.

In Windsor, Ontario, a group of 215 high school students participated in a flashmob against cyberbullying to celebrate worldwide Anti-Bullying Week. Their motto? “Control, escape, delete cyberbullying” – written on their t-shirts. If only it were that simple. In any case, that’s a start, Canada. Good job, Windsor students!